Water-Wise Garden Speak


1/1/16 – As Southern California enters its fourth year of drought, here’s some gardening terminology to brush up on.  I was out today dropping off postcards in North Redondo and when I mentioned the word xeriscaping to someone who was uprooting the grass and shrubs in her small yard, she asked what that meant.  Well, here it is along four other terms in water-wise gardening:

  1. California Natives – indigenous plants that save water and attract those beautiful butterflies, birds, and bees;
  2. Mediterranean Climate – California is one of five such regions, which also include the Mediterranean Basin, central coast of Chile, South Africa, and parts of Western Australia; all are equidistant to the equator, are west-facing, and have native plants with similar water needs;
  3. Drought-tolerant Landscaping – depending upon the plant, it can take 2-5 years for a drought-tolerant plant to become established and once so, it can withstand longer periods of drought than a tropical plant;
  4. Xeriscaping – type of landscape design that requires little or no artificial watering or other maintenance;
  5. California-friendly Garden – describes a garden of native plants suited to our mild winters and warm, dry summers.

Helpful tips and suggestions on dealing with the drought can be found on the website of the Metropolitan Water District.


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