Closing Escrow With A Smile

Closing Escrow With A Smile

When you’re ready to close on the sale of your home and move to your new home, you may be so close to the finish line that you coast,… Read more ⇢
What To Expect With A Home Inspection

What To Expect With A Home Inspection

Whether you’re a first-time buyer or settling in on your third home, buying a home can be a daunting experience. Ideally, the home will be in tip-top shape and… Read more ⇢
Factors Determining Your Mortgage Interest Rate

Factors Determining Your Mortgage Interest Rate

These are factors are largely controllable by you and will determine what your cost of credit will be on your home purchase. Credit Scores Your credit score… Read more ⇢
Home Staging No-No’s

Home Staging No-No’s

If there’s one thing that’s hammered home during the selling process, it’s that prospective buyers hate walking into an empty house. They need to imagine themselves in your space,… Read more ⇢
Peace Of Mind For Sellers With Pre-listing Home Inspection

Peace Of Mind For Sellers With Pre-listing Home Inspection

How can a pre-listing home inspection reap rewards for homeowners? Think of it as getting a “clean bill of health.” It’s the perfect opportunity to take care… Read more ⇢
When To Consider Reducing Your Asking Price

When To Consider Reducing Your Asking Price

High demand and low supply have made it a seller’s market pretty much all over the country, and especially for lower-priced homes. That does not mean every house will sell… Read more ⇢
Your Realtor’s Thoughts On Selling Your Home

Your Realtor’s Thoughts On Selling Your Home

When it comes time to sell your house, having a great listing agent is one of the keys to making it happen. And yet, the agent can’t do it all—your help is needed. Ideally, you will have an… Read more ⇢
Smoking In Your Own Condo A No-No?

Smoking In Your Own Condo A No-No?

Smokers, beware! “The times, they are a-changing.” And with more and more marijuana use, this is now a hot-button topic. If your next-door neighbor in your condominium association cooks his… Read more ⇢
Dealing With Seller’s Remorse

Dealing With Seller’s Remorse

Buyer’s remorse is a fairly common occurrence, happening when someone makes a large purchase, such as a home, and feels regret afterwards. But have you heard of seller’s… Read more ⇢
Avoid These Home Buying Mistakes

Avoid These Home Buying Mistakes

Buying a house – especially for the first time – can be a huge undertaking. It’s a complex process, making it easy for mistakes to happen along the… Read more ⇢
Where The Home Inspector Doesn’t Go

Where The Home Inspector Doesn’t Go

Home inspectors are quite thorough.  Before you buy a house, they’ll scrutinize things you never thought to look at in your many walk-throughs, from cracks in stucco to how well the… Read more ⇢
Attention Sellers:  Get A Pre-listing Home Inspection

Attention Sellers:  Get A Pre-listing Home Inspection

As the real estate market becomes increasingly competitive and consumer confidence rises, buyers and sellers are more motivated to seek opportunities to close deals efficiently. That’s why real… Read more ⇢
For Buyers Without A Small Fortune

For Buyers Without A Small Fortune

Did you know that you could buy a home with a down payment of less than 20% (assuming you otherwise qualify for a mortgage loan)? Lots of people do. Read more ⇢
The Nuances Of A Buyer’s Preapproval Letter

The Nuances Of A Buyer’s Preapproval Letter

As most buyers should know, a lender’s pre-approval letter is the first step to literally getting their feet through the door, though where that door is located has yet to… Read more ⇢
Tips On Staging Your Home While Living There

Tips On Staging Your Home While Living There

In a study performed by a top real estate agency in the country, it was determined that homes that have been beautifully staged sold for approximately 6% above… Read more ⇢
Attracting Buyers At The Curb

Attracting Buyers At The Curb

Here are six ideas and trends that should get your creative juices flowing: The Front Door It has been long advised that the front door—one of the first things a… Read more ⇢
Selling A Home “As-Is”

Selling A Home “As-Is”

I was involved in several sales last year, representing buyers, where the listing agent expressly pointed out out that the sale was “as-is” and the sellers would not make any… Read more ⇢
The Bargain Deal Is Dead

The Bargain Deal Is Dead

I get calls all the time from first-time buyers and investors asking me to find them a super deal.  It ain’t happening.  That era is over, as clearly illustrated by… Read more ⇢
Incomes Needed To Buy Around The Country

Incomes Needed To Buy Around The Country

No wonder people from California are heading either to Portland or the Lone Star state. Read more ⇢
Abracadabra….The Deal Is Off

Abracadabra….The Deal Is Off

Rocker Steve Miller is backing out of buying a $6.7 million mansion in upstate New York and, as a result, the owner is suing the singer, ostensibly, to force the… Read more ⇢
Watch Out for These Moving Scams

Watch Out for These Moving Scams

If you’re getting ready to move to your new home, you’ve no doubt been advised to research moving companies. While it may seem like a huge inconvenience to… Read more ⇢
How to Save on Closing Costs

How to Save on Closing Costs

You’ve saved up the money for a down payment and are finally ready to make your dream of owning a home a reality. Congratulations! Buying a house is… Read more ⇢
Spotting a Serious Home Buyer

Spotting a Serious Home Buyer

One of the frustrations you may encounter when selling your home is dealing with people who may not be serious about buying. Perhaps they’re just testing the waters… Read more ⇢
What Is Escrow?

What Is Escrow?

If you’re buying a home, you are going to come across this word many times during the process – escrow. If you’re a first time homebuyer, you may… Read more ⇢
Can You Sell Your Home After Labor Day?

Can You Sell Your Home After Labor Day?

Conventional wisdom dictates that spring and summer are the best times to sell your home. And since Labor Day is the unofficial end of the summer season, you may… Read more ⇢
Don’t Follow This Home Selling Advice

Don’t Follow This Home Selling Advice

Now that you’ve decided it’s time to sell your home, you’re probably getting all kinds of advice from friends and family about how to do it. While they often… Read more ⇢
Should You Buy an “Almost Perfect” Home?

Should You Buy an “Almost Perfect” Home?

Buying a home is one of the biggest purchases you will ever make in your life (if not the biggest). It’s understandable and normal to feel worry and… Read more ⇢
How to Choose the Best Offer for Your Home

How to Choose the Best Offer for Your Home

You’ve put your house on the market. You had a great open house. And now you’ve gotten an offer – followed by three more. If you’re… Read more ⇢
Home Buyer Pet Peeves

Home Buyer Pet Peeves

Selling your home can be a stressful and challenging process. Why would you want to make it doubly so by irritating potential buyers? Here’s what you want to… Read more ⇢
Saving for Your Down Payment

Saving for Your Down Payment

If buying a home is in your future, one of the realities you’ll need to face is the need to save for a down payment. Depending on the type… Read more ⇢
Are You Ready for a Fixer Upper?

Are You Ready for a Fixer Upper?

Maybe you have dreams of buying a new home but aren’t sure you can financially swing it. Perhaps you have visions of turning an otherwise shabby home into… Read more ⇢
Save Money on Your Move

Save Money on Your Move

Moving can be tough on a tight budget – but not impossible. If you’re wondering how you’re going to get through your next move without spending a fortune,… Read more ⇢
Choose the Perfect Neighborhood

Choose the Perfect Neighborhood

If you’re in the market for a new home, part of choosing the perfect house is finding the right neighborhood. How do you do that? Start by asking yourself… Read more ⇢
Moving? Here’s How To Avoid Identity Theft

Moving? Here’s How To Avoid Identity Theft

As if moving isn’t already stressful enough, it can leave you vulnerable to identity theft. Your personal information is being shared repeatedly while you… Read more ⇢
10 Tips For Moving With Pets

10 Tips For Moving With Pets

There’s no way around it – moving can be really stressful! But when you throw a pet into the mix, it can make the task even more daunting. Read more ⇢
How To Sell Your Fixer Upper

How To Sell Your Fixer Upper

Have you been thinking about selling your fixer upper? Perhaps you’ve been hesitant to get started – selling a home can be a daunting task, let alone one that… Read more ⇢
Home Inspection Red Flags

Home Inspection Red Flags

A home inspection conducted by a professional is a typical part of the process of buying a home. It’s an opportunity to evaluate the property and understand any issues… Read more ⇢
Summer Home Selling Tips

Summer Home Selling Tips

If you’re thinking about selling your home, now is a great time! It’s estimated that 50 percent of homes are sold in the summer,… Read more ⇢
Buying & Selling a “Green” Home

Buying & Selling a “Green” Home

While the decline in new home construction may have some feeling “blue,” those of you who embrace a “green” lifestyle will be excited to hear about the latest projections. “Green” remodeling… Read more ⇢

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